Or Codes on Temporary Tatoos

How to Create a QR Code on a Temporary Tattoo

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How to Create a QR Code on a Temporary Tattoo

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Or Codes on Temporary Tatoos

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As part of my mission in training and teaching people on how to leverage social media for their business including human resource professionals, I’m writing several foundation social media topics over time.  This is one of those posts for the ToolBox HR resource site. 

QR Code stands for Quick Response Code and is essentially a bar code that can be quickly and inexpensively made allowing smart phone users to scan the code to provide access to anything within the confines of the internet.  This QR Code can be directed to any website, internet page, and even your mobile campaign.  Similar to a scanner at the grocery store, you can scan the QR Code and be redirected to a web page without fumbling with your fingers on that small mobile keypad.

How to Create a QR Code on a Temporary Tattoo

Creating a QR Code is almost as simple as it is to use them.  The internet offers an array of free QR Code creators that offer analytics and even options to change the website url of your QR Code later on.  One of my favorite websites for creating QR Codes is Delivr.  You can create a stand alone QR Code or register an account that offers different options and in a number of different formats like jpg or png making it easier for your graphic designer.

But before you begin creating QR Codes to your heart’s content, it’s important to consider the level of engagement a QR Code offers your end user.  A boring old mail piece can be transformed into an opportunity to interact with the receiver in a new and exciting way.  Except that I’ve never received a promotional mail piece that is new or exciting with or without a QR Code.  Many QR Codes link directly to a website with no real call to action, lead capture, or conversation.  That’s where the novelty and conversation of  temporary QR Code temporary tattoo comes in.  And why it’s so very important.

Earlier this year, I was racking my brain looking for an inexpensive and creative way to leverage swag and promotional materials at the various conferences and events I travel to using mobile technologies like the QR Code.  It dawned on me that the what makes a QR Code really powerful, isn’t the scanning of the code but the novelty of the code itself.  And what’s more novel than a temporary tattoo with a QR Code?  It also encourages fun, conversation, and temporarily brands the user.


So for a minimal amount of money I purchase a couple thousand temporary tattoos with custom QR Codes leading directly to this blog, Blogging4Jobs.  The tattoos created teaching moments and opportunities for conversation not just for myself but those who proudly branded themselves with my tattoo at the event.  In fact, it’s become a signature piece of my marketing and promotional plan for the remainder of this year.

What are some exciting ways you and your company are using QR Codes?  This topic is a hot one as the importance of mobile engagement and technologies invade the HR, human resources, and recruiting spaces.

Learn more about QR Codes for Recruiting & HR as well as ways Job Seekers can leverage QR Codes to stand out.


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  1. Love, love, love!!!!

    Was so fun to see people (even vendors) hunting you down at the conference to get one of your tattoos!

    One of the best ideas ever! Hands down!

  2. What a fun idea! One question: what was the call to action once the people arrived at your blog? Was there a contest or follow up or a way to capture the leads or provide extra value? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. I love it!! So sorry we never met up @blogher!! I’m gonna shoot you a email. I was think of doing qr codes in temp tats for kids, like getting lost in a amusement park!! I have seen other safety tats but, one you could get a little more info on would be great. Or even on kids backpacks!

  4. brilliant piece and very timely, thanks. i have to start coming to your blog daily instead of just when i see good stuff in my twitter as i almost missed this one!

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