Carnival at Work: Engaging Five Generations in the Workplace #fivegenwork

generations, hr, workplace, carnival

Hello and welcome to the Carnival of HR. This month’s theme is the Five Generation Workplace or #fivegenwork on Twitter. This month we’re all about talking about generations, how we can work together and just be better human beings. We’ve broken up the carnival of HR into a number of different areas including: 1) Talking […]

Why We Work

Why We Work “I was hired to do a job. I did it. That’s as far as it goes.” ~ Mike Ehrmantraut The popular AMC drama series Breaking Bad spawned another interesting series, Better Call Saul. If you’ve watched either show, you know all about the character Mike Ehrmantraut, played by the three-time Emmy nominee, Jonathan […]

HR Doesn’t Just Mean the Office: Unexpected HR Jobs

For many who study human resources and communication with the goal of becoming a human resources professional the assumption tends to be that your career will begin and end in a business office space. Many young professionals assume they will be working for CEOs, business representatives, and their employees. However, nearly every industry has great […]

New Study Shows that Leaning Into Negotiations Doesn’t Always Work for Women

Last week Christine L. Exley, Muriel Niederle and Lise Vesterlund published a new study on “leaning in.” They wanted to know how and when leaning in might benefit women – and when it might not. What they found is that gathering your confidence and pushing harder does work sometimes, but other times it can have […]

Job Rotation Planning Can Help Keep Employees Happy

Take a moment to imagine: You walk into work and sit down (or go about your rounds) doing the same thing you’ve done for what – today anyway – feels like forever. You think about your friend who just got a new job and how happy they were at dinner and wonder if this is […]