Out Now: Episode 416: How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used in Recruitment and HR With Adonis Wooten-Herron

Reading Will Always Be an Important Workplace Skill

A lot of futurist writers, including me, have indicated that the world of work will be much different in 5 to 20 years. In particular we have talked about jobs and the advent of robots and other forms of artificial intelligence taking over what we do from day to day. I have talked about the skills […]

If the CEO Is Paying Attention to the Future Why Isn’t HR?

futurecasting, hr, ceo, chro

If the CEO Is Paying Attention to the Future Why Isn’t HR? According to Larry Page, the founder of Google, “Lots of companies don’t succeed over time. What do they fundamentally do wrong? They usually miss the future.”  If paying attention to the future is a critical skill for the CEO of today, my premise […]

Which Side of the “Wearables” Debate Do You Fall On?

If you recall, when Google Glass first came out there were two sorts of reactions. There were those people who said that it was a very interesting and exciting technology that had a lot of potential. On the other side there were those that saw Google Glass as a huge invasion of privacy. There were […]

Has Helicopter Parenting Created a Need for Workplace Mentoring?

I came across an article on demographic trends in law firms. Peter Black, the author of this article, said that one of the trends he noticed was the need for greater mentoring in the Millennial generation that is joining law firms. I think this may be true in many firms. Helicopter Parenting Increasing Workplace Mentoring? […]

The Potential of Soft Sensors in Human Resources

The Potential of Soft Sensors in Human Resources Have you ever thought about how many sensors you encounter on a daily basis? If you drive a later model car you probably have at least 100 in your car. If you walked through a door that opened on its own, and happened to be wearing a […]

The Future of HR Is Now: How CHROs Can Help CEOs Succeed

futurecasting, hr, ceo, chro

It is often considered the role of the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to support the strategic direction set out by the CEO. In order to do that, the CHRO has to adapt: as the CEO changes course, so does the CHRO. A recent survey of CEOs showed that they are anticipating big changes in how […]