The Top HR Trends In 2017 — According to You

HR Trends, 2017, HR

I’m taking a slightly different approach to the Friday Five this week. Instead of looking for five think pieces or five trending news stories, I thought I’d see what you all think will be the big HR trends of 2017 and then highlight some of the most compelling predictions. From big data, to diversity, to […]

There’s No Room for Mistakes In Layoff Season

corporate layoffs, layoffs, lay-off, layoff vs. fired, layoff or lay off

Yesterday we learned that Walmart will cut hundreds of jobs this month, including dozens in human resources and other corporate departments. We also learned some of the details of Boeing’s planned reduction in its engineering force — first an invitation to voluntary separation this Friday, January 13, and then notices of involuntary separation next Friday, January […]

Get Hired Faster With a Job Search Log

job search, job search organization, job search log, job search organized,

Looking for a job can feel like screaming into a windstorm while getting pelted by debris. You’re sending out applications and not hearing back. When you do hear back, it’s “good, but not good enough.” Meanwhile, people around you are getting lucrative new gigs or finally finding their dream jobs. It’s not that you’re literally […]

Is This the Worst Holiday Party Debacle of 2016?

work party, dancing at work, workplace celebration, holiday party, christmas party at work, workplace christmas party

When I worked in retail as a recruiter and HR assistant there was one task I dreaded above all others. No, not updating employee files, not spring cleaning and not filling out turnover reports. It was the holiday party. Dealing with whatever employee relations disaster that unfolded the night before. Is This the Worst Holiday Party […]

Treat Yourself Right During the Holidays

holiday tips, destress, holiday destress tips

For those of you who work in HR, the holiday season has already reached in critical mass. You’ve probably planned and lived through the office Christmas Party by now, planned and lived through at least one family or friend group party, and are wrapping up the last of your holiday prep. Treat Yourself Right During the […]

Does Your Workplace Need An Emoji Translator?

workplace, emoji, translator

Today Translations is looking for a specialist in emoji-to-traditional language translation. The London-based translation firm’s job post says that they are seeking a candidate who can grasp the subtle cultural differences in emoji use across languages, and communicate them to speakers both native and new to the language. Does Your Workplace Need An Emoji Translator? […]