How to Migrate a Brick-and-Mortar Business Into the Digital Domain

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How to Migrate a Brick-and-Mortar Business Into the Digital Domain

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Table of Contents

Things are hardly “business as usual” when discussing the steps that budding enterprises are often forced to take if they wish to remain well ahead of the competition. We have witnessed many changes over the past few years, and there is little doubt that one of the most profound involves how many organisations have begun to translate their services into the digital community. Assuming that you are considering such a transition, how can you remain prepared for what is in store? This article will examine a few takeaway points as well as the importance of each. 

Building a Strong Domain

The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. Choosing a catchy and relevant website address should be prioritised before moving on. However, it can be challenging to encapsulate all that your enterprise has to offer within a handful of words. You will be happy to learn that help is never far off. Professional third-party platforms will provide access to the most relevant domain names and suffixes. These services can also clarify which addresses have already been taken; saving you a significant amount of time. 

Is AI Worth the Effort?

How has artificial intelligence (AI) transformed the digital ecosystem? Whether referring to AI applications engineered to augment recruitment efforts or algorithms intended to replace traditional coding methods, this technology warrants attention. Many aspiring entrepreneurs have already leveraged the intuitive nature of artificial intelligence, and while this is indeed an amazing tool, remember that it has its limitations. In other words, never rely solely upon its capabilities (at least at the moment). 

The Organic Approach

Many online articles related to the e-commerce sector rightfully state that 2024 is the “year of social media marketing“. While absolutely true, this observation is nothing new. The concept of connecting with an audience via channels such as Facebook and Twitter has existed for well over a decade. Be sure to incorporate these very same strategies into your present advertising campaign; especially when making the first leap into the ether of the digital domain. Consumers now rely heavily upon social media when making important decisions related to online purchases. 

Virtual CRM Solutions

This final suggestion is rather tricky, as traditional business models tend to rely upon equally traditional forms of client engagement. Although such methods are not going the way of the virtual dinosaur, the digital domain requires a more innovative approach. Digital customer care now comes in the form of pages devoted to frequently asked pages, and more frequently, automated chat widgets. Some of the major advantages attributed to these strategies include:

  • Increased levels of overall engagement
  • The ability to appreciate the most common questions
  • Rapid response times

Note that these techniques are not intended to entirely replace human interactions, but rather to augment tried-and-tested CRM methods.

While the tips mentioned above are useful, time and effort will still be required to fully transition into the online business community. Patience is therefore a final virtue to maintain at all times.

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