How to combine human and AI hiring practices

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How to combine human and AI hiring practices

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The world changed in November 2022 when ChatGPT launched, and we’ve never looked back. Whether it’s producing a bank of content or condensing meeting notes, AI can help you do all sorts of wonderful things. But what about the world of hiring and recruitment where decisions made in the interview room can have far-reaching ramifications in the real world? Let’s take a look at a few of the applications of AI in the hiring world and discuss what they could mean for your HR team. 


Searching a mountain of CVs is quicker 

If you want to leverage AI to help your HR people discover the right hires for your business, using it to scan huge piles of CVs from applicants is the way to start. In the past you would have to employ an external recruiter or hand over much-needed in-house resources to get the job done. The problem is that there are only so many hours in the day and even the most diligent of employees will feel the pressure. 


Settling for a subset of candidates who seem ‘good enough’ to interview before you’ve reached the bottom of the pile is both common and natural. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be able to free up valuable in-house team members, what if you do so at the expense of missing out on incredible talent that just happens to be lower down the pile? Using AI to scan through CVs on autopilot is a smart way to address the first stage of recruitment: filtering out unsuitable candidates. 


Targeting specific experience is faster 

Continuing the same theme of scanning and searching at scale and pace, you can also use AI hiring tools to find specific skills within a CV. This allows you to home in on the types of candidates you want to interview, allowing you to streamline the hiring process. 


AI could be used to pinpoint things such as experience at a competitor, a history of working in a specific geographic location, or even personality types shown by the writing style. The interesting thing about this rapidly evolving area is that it opens up a whole host of potential new ways to start filtering and grading applicants and interview candidates. The more granular you can get with your search, the more likely you are to find the right fit for your corporate culture. Exactly what you want to hear when it’s time to tie things together and get a new project moving. 


In-person interviews are still essential

No matter how good AI is at the initial sifting and filtering, there is no substitute for an in-person interview where you can see what you think with your own eyes. The key thing to remember here is that while AI will search based on tangible details, the intangibles will still be virtually untouched. The way someone conducts themselves in a meeting, or how they answer a question when they don’t know the answer, for example, will tell you a lot about their character. 


That said, AI can also be a useful sounding board when you want to draft up key questions to ask. Simply by getting a dozen different ways to phrase one of your standard queries, you can get new insights into how to get more information from a candidate.


Using AI as the answer is not enough 

There are some who are suggesting that AI chatbots can conduct interviews with human candidates at scale, and that this is the future. While the idea is certainly an interesting one, it doesn’t guarantee anything like the level of insights that an experienced human interviewer will be able to provide. The problem is that no matter how well you teach the chatbot to mimic how you ask questions, it still won’t be able to form the same opinion as you about the fit of any given candidate. AI can do many things, but it’s not set to replace human recruitment across the board any time soon. 


A hybrid approach will deliver optimal results 

Using AI to streamline and scale the first vetting stage in your recruitment process is the way to go, you then hand the data over to the human interviewers. Think of it as a way to focus on using your in-house resources on higher value tasks that humans really do need to be involved in. That way you’ll be able to see where the gaps that AI cannot fill are and why they exist in the first place. 


By adopting a hybrid approach to recruitment, you’ll also be able to give experienced interviewers better qualified, more relevant candidates to work with. And because you’ll be able to do this in a fraction of the time, you’ll be speeding up the process while improving the quality of the end result. Exactly what you want to hear when you’re considering realigning your hiring processes with the new AI tech that is out there. 


As you navigate the evolving landscape of AI in hiring, exploring innovative solutions becomes imperative. Dive deeper into this realm and uncover potential strategies by visiting for insights into cutting-edge technologies.


Final thoughts

Hiring people is all about using your experience as an HR professional and augmenting it with the power of AI. Simple things like asking them if they like to work in a team and what their goals are would both be key questions. You may also want to ask how they spend their free time to get a sense of how their personality will fit into your working culture; reading, playing online casino games and staying active are all answers that reveal how they could integrate into your team on day one.


Rather than become beholden to AI, use it to streamline what you’re already doing well. It is a great tool for accelerating repetitive manual processes, but not one you should rely on blindly when you want to make important strategic decisions. After all, is there a decision that is more important to your business than the people it contains?

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