Ep 177- How to Create a Global Apprenticeship Program

Welcome to a new series on the Workology Podcast we are kicking off that focuses on the future of work. This series is in collaboration with the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology or PEAT. Apprenticeships provide a real opportunity for employers to train and prepare our workers for our workplaces with transferable skills more quickly than […]

Ep 176 – Sourcing Technology You Can’t Live Without

When we look at the talent acquisition process, one of the most important pieces of TA is a form of proactive recruitment which is sourcing. Instead of relying on candidates to find us, we use the internet and find them. In this podcast episode we will be taking a look at sourcing and how it […]

Ep 174 – Design Thinking in Human Resources

Design Thinking Driving Innovation in Human Resources and HR

There has been a bit of buzz around Design Thinking in human resources recently. Like agile methodology, design thinking is a process for creating problem-solving and helps develop human-centric programs, processes, and experiences in the workplace. Because we’ve discussed agile workflows before, I wanted to bring in an expert to talk about Design Thinking and […]

Ep 173 – Should Ugly Be a Protected Class

should ugly be a protected a class, discrimination, HR not getting hired because of your weight, not getting hired because of how you look

An Italian study released last year showed that attractive women who sent photos with their résumés got called back 54% of the time, as opposed to the average callback rate of 30%. Another academic study found that CEO who were considered attractive had higher stock prices and receive higher compensation levels. Does that mean that […]

Ep 172 – Fostering a Culture of Creativity at Work

fostering a culture of creativity at work

I think that we can all agree that we could use a little bit more creativity in our lives. A recent LinkedIn workplace study found that creativity is the single most important soft skill that business leaders want from their employees. The question for business leaders in HR is how do we foster grow and […]