Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

No More Wack-a-Mole Management

Ever since they were little, my kids have always loved the wack-a-mole games at the arcade. They get total joy and elation from putting a token in the game, grabbing that hammer and wacking away at the little creatures who pop up randomly from the holes on the board. They could play for hours and […]

Is it Time to Step It Up…or Just Step Down?

Leadership Development, Emotional Well-Being, Relational Leadership, Mentorship, Overcoming Fear, Effective Leadership, Employee Development, Self-Reflection in Leadership

Leadership Development …apparently that’s my thang’.  It’s not what I went to school for, my degree is actually in accounting.  I only practiced for two years though – I hated it!  …Mostly because I was one of many young newbies right out of college (circa 1990) being abused in Corporate America.  The work environment was […]

Religious Accomodation: Sometimes You Have to Read Between the Lines

Reasonable Accommodation for Religious Beliefs in HR - Understanding EEOC Guidelines and Best Practices.

In HR we a lot of attention to the ADA and the accommodation process, or at least we should. There is one area that is often overlooked in the area of accommodation and that is with religion. There are several things that need to be accommodated and sometimes HR has to read between the lines to […]

How to Get Ahead in Ballet Flats

Tips for Confidence and Competence

“I’m not going to get ahead in ballet flats.” That’s a quote from Marnie Hampton, an investment banker and devotee of the so-called “Stiletto Whisperer,” Victor Chu. Based in New York City, Chu has developed a group workshop that teaches beheeled women to navigate the tricky terrain of New York City. According to the New […]

The Real Costs and Causes of Presenteeism

The impact of presenteeism on the workplace

The 3 Different Types of Presenteeism “Yeah, I just stare at my desk; but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch, too. I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.” — Peter Gibbons Peter, from the definitive film on […]