Coexist Creates a Period Leave Policy

Coexist Creates a Period Leave Policy Coexist, a British company with a 77% female workforce has created a “period policy” to allow employees to take time off during their periods without having to pretend they’re “sick” or face the stigma that lingers around menstruation. Bex Baxter, director of Coexist, told The Guardian that the policy was […]

The Importance of An Employee’s First Year

The importance of a new hire’s first impression during the onboarding phase continues to be a critical component in employee retention during and beyond the first year. National trends indicate that one-third of new hires employed 6 months or less are currently searching for a new job. With potential hiring opportunities still available from their most […]

The Little Engine That Could Was Onto Something

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” — Henry Ford The Little Engine That Could Was Onto Something Cue eyeroll right? I used to think that way. I thought all positive thinking optimists were clueless. How could thinking a certain way make an actual difference in your life? Well, my […]

How to Identify Motives in the Hiring Process

I had the opportunity to interview Greg Smorzewski, HR Director for Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, who shared a simple way to identify candidate’s motives in the hiring process. Since he develops Community Hospital’s healthcare workforce, his answers focus on that industry but they’re relevant to hiring in other industries. After 15 years in […]

Will Employee Service Awards Disappear in the Gig Economy?

If you’ve held a job for any length of time, you may have worked for a business that rewards staff for years of dedication. Given the changes we are witnessing in the workplace and the nature of employment, will many of you who have worked for your firm for more than five or ten years […]

Is Hiring on Craigslist A Waste of Time?

Craigslist was founded in 1999 by Craig Newmark in San Francisco. What started as an email list of events quickly became a giant that displaced traditional printed classified sections. Today, Craigslist has websites in over 70 countries and in 700 areas. With over 50 billion page views every month, Craigslist is a place where one […]