A Different Kind of (HR) Trenches

Consulting in HR

There’s been a lot of discussion surrounding Trench HR.  These are human resource professionals who work for organizations maybe as service HR postions, middle managers, and senior leaders for an organization.  For me, Trench HR is anyone who is below HR VP level and below.  Because let’s face it, if you are the Chief HR […]

Workplace Social Media CYA

CYA in Workplace Social Media

This is a 4 part series on Managing Your Social Media Mullet.  You can view Part 1 where I discussed the concept of social media mullet and “Business in the front.  Party in the back.”  In Part 2, the discussion continues specifically discussing how social media can help or hinder your personal as well as […]

Managing Your Social Media Mullet — Part 1

The Social Media Mullet

According to Wikipedia, a mullet is a unisex hair style that is short in the front and long in the back. The mullet began making appearances in the popular media in the 1960s and 1970s but did not catch on with the masses until the early 1980s.  I first wrote about “the social media mullet” in 2009.  It’s […]

Just The Facts About Workplace Social Media

Social Media at Work

I’m captivated by infographics.  They, in my mind are the preferred alternative to boring reports and bullet-filled craptastic powerpoint presentations.  For me an infographic is a great way to explain a point of view or organize a group of interesting facts and data points designed to please the eye.  Kind of like how social media […]

The Compensation Quandry. How HR Asks for a Raise.

Strategies to ask a raise from HR

It is no secret that the human resource department is non-income generating.  We don’t sell software, negotiate new service contracts, or build widgets.  And yet our department is often responsible for compensation of the entire organization, merit increases, and often the evaluation and employee talent process. The Compensation Quandry. How HR Asks for a Raise. […]

Hitting Reset

Refocusing and resetting my business

Personally as well as professionally October seems to be a time of changes, resets, and renews.  In October 2004, I separated from my first husband and ended our very unhappy marriage.  In October 2009, I left my corporate gig and started out on my own as an entrepreneur.  In October 2010, I changed my focus in […]