Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

3 Myths about Severance Pay

layoffs, severance, myths, pay

Defining Severance Pay and Employee Terminations I get occasional calls from clients asking me about severance pay. What is required? What is customary? Is this different than a severance package?  Should there be a release or not? Of course the simple answers are nothing, nothing and maybe. Straight forward enough for you? Ok, I will […]

Legacy Thinking in Human Resources (Part 1)

Legacy, have you ever thought about that word? It means a couple of different things. There are two definitions that are relevant to my meaning in this post. The first is a noun and it is anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. The second meaning is an adjective and […]

Time Off Requests for Exempt vs. Non-Exempt

How Do You Handle Time Off Requests for Employees? Among cherished employee rights are time off, vacation time and sick time.  What do you do when an employee request time off?  Even if just for a half-day?   You are probably thinking to yourself, “That has got to be the dumbest question Haberman has ever asked.” In […]

Future Proof? Not Really!

is your career future proof? not really

Recently I was reading an article that talked about “future proof” jobs you can train for; that reminded me that I have a book in my office called The Future-Proof Workplace. Although it is full of great tips for what workplaces and individuals can do to help their careers, its title gave me pause, as […]

Are You Ready For Your Employees To Be Displaced?

are you ready for your employees to be displaced?

We have all read about robots replacing workers in the not too distant future. I wrote about it in Future Friday: Repetition may spell the end of your job on my blog. Other posts include one of mine on this site, here, and one from Megan Purdy, here. When we see articles and posts about […]