Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

How to Handle Your Abusive or Aggressive Boss

abuse in the workplace, abusive boss, abuse at work

One of the worst things I have ever experienced in my corporate career is dealing with an abusive or aggressive boss. You know the type. He/she won’t stop giving you grief. Maybe they yell or berate you in front of others. Sometimes they laugh their behavior and inappropriateness off as a joke or even worse […]

Navigating Friendship In the Workplace As an HR Pro

navigating friendship in the workplace as an hr pro

Yikes, I’m sure that title scared a few HR Pros. Friendship is an essential part of life. Some people don’t have a family, but they do have friends. Friendship in the workplace has always been a delicate subject. When we allow people to cross that barrier we’ve created in all of those stacks of paperwork, we […]

Facebook Is Becoming LinkedIn Is Becoming Facebook

facebook is becoming linkedin is becoming Facebook

Earlier this week Facebook previewed a new feature that allows users to privately share resumes, or in their parlance, work histories. Also this week, LinkedIn began rolling out video ads targeting its own LinkedIn Audience Network. But that’s just this week – this whole year has been marked by Facebook and LinkedIn biting each other’s […]

The Battle Against Unconscious Hiring Bias

are we winning the fight against unconscious bias

Since its inception, Silicon Valley has been the kingdom of the white male. In the last few years, however, a string of executive hires, tasked with the job of eliminating hiring biases, have made a microscopic dent in this rock-hard reality. Last year, Airbnb hired David J. King III — their first director of diversity […]

Mark of the Beast: $666 Raise Sparks Lawsuit

mark of the beast: 6 raise sparks lawsuit

After receiving a $666 raise, law professors Sheldon Gelman and Jean Lifter decided to sue their employer, Cleveland State University. It’s not that their raise was so small ($666 works out to about $13 dollars per week), but that CSU had upped their paycheque with the mark of the beast. Mark of the Beast: $666 Raise Sparks […]