Out Now: HR Certification Podcast Episode 12: Answering Your SHRM & HRCI Exam Questions

New to HR? Start By Learning the Tools for Success

An organization’s human resources department handles hiring, firing, administrative tasks, and team training. You need to be passionate about your work if you want to handle the everyday craziness. Having more job options to explore than Game of Thrones’ directors have characters to kill off, HR is gratifying in many ways. But as a rookie […]

Can You Handle a Long Career in HR?

I came to an HR career after about 12 years in Engineering and Operations. I had been on the periphery, trying to learn how to make operations better through better people-related decisions. As anyone who has spent a significant time in HR will tell you, there comes a time where nothing about people will surprise […]

This Is How You Can Support Your Employees Mental Health Self Care

this is how to support your employees mental health self care plans

When computer engineer Madalyn Parker told her team she would be taking a mental health day, her boss at the startup Olark responded in an incredibly supportive way. Instead of just thanking her for letting everyone know, he thanked her for being upfront about needing a mental health day. Olark CEO Ben Congleton wrote, “I […]

When “Bad Boss” Parodies Are All Too Real

when bad boss parodies are all too real

When I was in university I worked part time as an HR assistant and recruiter at a large grocery retail chain. Thanks to the grocery store price wars consumers have been benefitting from off and on over the last decade, we saw a lot of turnover at every level of the company. New execs would […]

Why Your Should Support Your Employees Side Hustles

freelance employees, side hustle employee, side hustle employees

Lately, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the workplace world, its culture and workplace expectations from our bosses, peers, and society in general. As young children, we are taught to pick and specialize in one job that we will work in for the rest of our lives. We work hard to generate wealth […]