Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

A Critical Skill of the Future to Preserve Your Future

I read an interview with Max Ventilla, CEO and Founder, AltSchool. According to their website AltSchool is “a partnership between educators, entrepreneurs, and engineers who are driven to deliver whole-child, personalized learning so that every child can reach their potential. […] We’re working together to build a comprehensive platform to personalize learning in schools, with […]

The Future Is Personalization and Customization

While on vacation last week, I picked up a copy of the May issue of Wired and read the section called Next List 2017: 20 People Who Are Creating the Future. Every story on the list was really pretty interesting, but the one on Gerd Manz particularly caught my interest. Manz is the VP of […]

Can We Future-Proof Our Jobs and Workplaces?

future proof, workplace, jobs

As we read more and more about the impending ascent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, being able to “future-proof” may hold some appeal to readers. Barring a change in the laws of physics holding off the future is hard to do. Even a nuclear holocaust would leave people who know what could be done. […]

Employees Crowdsource the New Boss?

crowdsource, leadership

Interacting well with employees is certainly an important leadership competency. What if you selected company leaders based on their ability to interact with peers rather than their resume? A company named Tinypulse, led by David Niu, has used crowdsourcing to select leaders and they think that it is more effective than traditional methods. Employees Crowdsource […]

Is the Future of HR Technoethics?

HR Ethics, HR Technology, HR Technoethics, Future of HR

As we rapidly spin toward the future of work we talk of advances in technology that will replace people, supplement their work, make their work easier, or make it easier for employers to track workers every minute of the day. It is possible, or will be in the not too distant future, to implant a […]

Small Ways Climate Change Impacts the Future of HR

future of hr, future of work, climate change

Much of what has been written about the future of HR or the future of work, typically involves big predictions or monumental changes. Driverless cars, the reduction in jobs due to artificial intelligence, landslide demographic changes, etc. However, the future of HR also involves little things that need to be considered and planned for. An article […]