Out Now: Episode 416: How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used in Recruitment and HR With Adonis Wooten-Herron

5 Powerful Twitter Tips for Business Newbs

Twitter went IPO just a short two weeks ago with the stock opening at $26 and ending it’s opening day at $45.10. As I type this today, Twitter is holding steady at $41.31. Not too shabby. While all the buzz was about Twitter, I kept silent not writing about my favorite social media platform mostly […]

Social Media, Recruiting and the Law

Social Media, Recruiting and the Law Despite multiple warnings and innumerable reports online and elsewhere, some people still do not realize that their online history can get them fired or worse yet, not hired in the first place. For giggles, or just disbelief, do a search for “fired over facebook” or take my “Social Media […]

3 Ways to Anticipate Employee Needs

If your company experiences a lot of turnover, it can be difficult to determine exactly why employees aren’t sticking around. Between the cost of recruiting, training, and productivity, you lose a lot more than just employees, so it’s essential to make improvements. 3 Ways to Anticipate Employee Needs There are so many factors contributing to […]

Resume Writing for IT Job Hoppers

Strategies for IT Job Seekers to Include In Their Resumes

Resume Writing for IT Job Hoppers In today’s job market, resumes are being scrutinized like never before. And for good reason, job seekers with many short stints in their work history are concerned. After all, the label “job hopper” is one no one wants to wear. But it is common for those in the IT […]

7 Collaboration Technologies You Need In A ROWE

Tools and Strategies for Virtual Collaboration

As you may be aware, a Results-Only Work Environment is a place where all team members have the freedom to define how they manage their time and locations. ROWE is not telework, flex-time, or a “work from home” program. However, one of the by-products of a ROWE is that not everyone is always together in […]