Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Three More Powerful Words from a Leader: “I Trust You”

Three More Powerful Words from a Leader In July, I wrote an article titled, “Three Powerful Words from a Leader: “It’s My Fault”, the article was about the importance of a leader owning mistakes. Continuing in the series, today I am going to write about three more powerful words from a leader: “I Trust You”. We aren’t flawless, […]

Union Mentality: A Culture of Mediocrity

Excuse me for my title. I’m sure it will offend at least one person, but I am not concerned because those of us who have worked in unionized environments know the deal. There is an aura, a way and even a stench that permeates from union environments. Although collective bargaining agreements vary from union to […]

Company Loathes Misery

No one needs to tell you the top three or ten reasons why employees leave. You are an employee, you know why people leave jobs, and odds are you have resigned from a post for one reason or another. It is likely due to something being askew with the company culture; pay, leadership, lack of […]

HR Learning From Healthcare

My wife underwent surgery recently. This provided me the chance to spend days at a time hanging out in a hospital. My intention was to be present to meet my wife’s needs in any way. I couldn’t help but watch everything that was happening there with keen interest. Their procedures and processes piqued my interest, […]

Do You Really Want “Attitude” Over “Aptitude”?

How Has “Attitude Over Aptitude” Played Out in Your Organizations? I’ve heard people say they would prefer to hire for attitude over aptitude, because they can teach the person how to do the job-but they can’t teach someone how to have a different attitude. This is a very absolute statement that sounds good on the […]

Your Biggest Mistake As A Manager

“But why wouldn’t he just tell me he needed more time off? I would have worked with him.”  “Why wouldn’t someone just say ‘how do I get a bigger bonus’ instead of quitting?”   The quotes above are real quotes and crystallize a bias that many managers have at some point in their careers: assuming people are just like […]