Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

How To Recruit On LinkedIn, Fast, Without Breaking The Bank

Recently I discussed the slowdown in tech hiring, which is already reflected in today’s longer and more difficult hiring cycles as hiring managers are more selective with the quality of candidates. Recruiting and job seeking has become significantly more challenging as offers are given out only to candidates who meet all requirements without fail. Sahat Yalkabov, […]

I’m Tired of Working and Living with Fear

workplace, fear, threats

I remember the day very well. It was someone I looked up so much I’d placed them on a pedestal. This person could do no wrong. They had it all: success, wealth, popularity and a family that loved them. Or on the surface that’s what it seemed. It was one day they let their guard down. […]

10 Ways to Improve Your Job Postings on Your ATS

As a talent acquisition leader, my relationship with a job posting is complicated. It’s the document I loathe and love at the same time. I use it in determining a candidate fit as part of our interview and selection process as well as the job posting process using job boards. The job posting always changes, […]

Define Success Before People and Processes

People + Processes = Success. You’ve probably heard that, or some version thereof, before. This equation is nice, neat, and serves as a deceptively simple method to describe how we should manage our work. Put the right people in place, help them with solid processes, and POOF! Success! But, and I’m sure you know where this is […]

6 Sessions On Diversity You Can’t Miss at #SHRM16

Check out our SHRM16 VIP Party Guide by clicking here. We get you the parties and must attend SHRM events first.  This year there are over 200 concurrent sessions at the annual SHRM conference. That’s a lot of sessions to sift through! So to help you plan your conference better, I’ve gone through the offerings to highlight some […]

Why You Should Consider Candidates with Criminal Convictions

The rate of imprisonment in the U.S. has risen drastically over the past few decades. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, nearly one-third of the adult population has a criminal record. If an employer decides to avoid hiring those with records, that’s a huge percentage of the talent pool that will not even be considered. […]