Out Now: HR Certification Podcast Episode 12: Answering Your SHRM & HRCI Exam Questions

4 Tips for Implementing Enterprise Collaboration Networks

The Power of Enterprise Collaboration Networks

The workplace is evolving to embrace social media to increase employee engagement, and new research is confirming bottom line results. According to Towers Watson, companies with effective enterprise social networks had 47% higher returns to shareholders over prior five years as compared to companies with ineffective internal communications. KPMG reported that 63% of employees at […]

Manner Monday: Nervous Gestures

Mastering Confidence

Nervous gestures such as pen popping, hair twirling and nail biting are ‘little things’ that can help you lose credibility faster than anything.  Unfortunately, when someone has a nervous gesture, the person with whom they are communicating often loses focus on the conversation at hand.  The nervous gesture becomes the main attraction and the actual topic […]

What Should a Salary of a Project Manager Be?

Factors That Determine the Salary of a Project Manager

Project Management is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States, reflected in the fact that the median salary for American PMs is around $105,000. Numbers can be deceiving, however, especially in this case: the range of the salary of a project manager will vary wildly depending on a few factors most HR […]

“Pssst…Robots are After Your Job”

Surviving the Automation Revolution

Will your job be extinct in 50 years? WIRED magazine thinks so. Its 2012 cover story (“The Robot Takeover”) predicts that by the end of this century, over 70% of existing jobs will be automated—to include most traditionally “white collar” professions.  Journalism, education, law, medicine—all of these are fields that are already experiencing the birth […]

2 Issues In Workplace Arbitration HR Needs to Know

SCOTUS Ruling on Class Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements

Class action arbitration has been in the news the last week with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) weighing in and rendering a decision that has implications for employers. So here are two issues in arbitration agreements HR needs to know about. The case The actual case that was reviewed had nothing to […]

It’s Just a Fad!

Social Media for Job Seekers

It was just a few years ago that social media was in its infancy. Many businesses believed that the social media “fad” would pass quickly. It is altering industry in the same manner as the internet, railroad, printing press, and assembly line did many years ago. Social media has become social business, according to the […]