Out Now: Episode 416: How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used in Recruitment and HR With Adonis Wooten-Herron

Unusual Strategies for Attracting Candidates

unusual strategies for attracting candidates

Strategies For Attracting Candidates There has been quite a conversation about company branding in our industry and how this is helping drive candidates into the process. But what about companies who do not have a budget for marketing? They sure as hell don’t have money for branding… or do they? Let me tell you a […]

Designing a Learner-Centric Training Environment

designing a learner centric training environment

When you organize a training in a configurable space, how do you decide on your setup? Obviously, your content will have a lot to do with it, and you’ll want to arrange the space to best support the information you’re planning to present. But what about your learners? Is your training space (and your organization) […]

How to Bust Bias in the Jungle of Employee Interviews – Part 1

how to bust bias in the jungle of employee interviews part 1

Interviewing appears simple: manage a conversation about the experience, credentials, aspirations of your candidates and align your findings to your opportunity. However, significant problems arise. For example, diversity is literally front and center on the ERE Recruiting blog and it’s covered in many other publications as well. Yet, progress toward more diversity in corporate leadership […]

Insights from #SHRMLead 2018

Insights from #shrmlead 18

This year was my first year attending SHRM LDF, otherwise known as the SHRM Leadership Development Forum (#SHRMLead). The conference took place October 2nd and 3rd at the Sheraton Boston. I heard there were just over 400 attendees, which I thought was a great size because it was easy to network and have more intimate […]

Ep 154 – Artificial Intelligence Basics in HR and Recruiting

going beyond the hype: AI basics in hr and recruiting

A 2017 Gartner study found that the hype around AI is making it hard for many users to understand the technology’s true value to their organizations. The concepts of artificial intelligence are vast, complicated and ever changing, which is why I thought it was important for us to level, set things straight a bit, and […]