Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Ep 121 – How AI Creates Discrimination in #HR & #Recruiting

artificial intelligence hiring, artificial intelligence HR, workology podcast, Dr. Jutta Treviranus

Everywhere I turn there seem to be conversations in the human resources and recruiting industry centered around artificial intelligence. It is truly permeating our landscape. However, along with PEAT, I wondered if AI was as inclusive as it could be. We’re talking digging deep today, looking at the inclusiveness of machine learning technology and exploring […]

3 More Creative Digital Recruiting Programs To Use

In my talk, Digitizing Talent: Creative Strategies for the Digital Recruiting Age, I talk a great deal about taking the playbook directly from corporate marketers to recruit candidates and engage your current workforce. Marketers have been using these tools for product and brand marketing, and adapting them to recruiting and hiring is a great strategy […]

Downsizing During the Holidays

downsizing during the holidays: a sign of bad planning

These past two weeks my Twitter feed has been full of announcements from colleagues about being let go or having just missed being on the chopping block, while dozens of others found themselves out of a job. Yes, it’s holiday layoffs season again! Every year thousands of Americans are downsized, laid off, or just plain […]