Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

3 LinkedIn Profile Setting Secrets for the Job Seeker

Tips for LinkedIn Job Seekers to Stand Out

**This is a guest post written by Joshua Waldman author of “Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies.”  Why are we even talking about social media in the context of job search?  Simple!  Recruiters are using social media and recruiting to find talent. In fact, several surveys in the last few years point to a very […]

The Employee/Employer Relationship: Breaking the Barrier

Breaking the Barrier Between Employee & Employer

The employee/ employer relationship is just that: a work relationship.  Sometimes it works and other times it does not.  Some might compare the recruiting, hiring, and employment process to dating.  I tend to agree.  The interviewing and hiring selection process involves blind dates, dating profiles, and uncomfortable first dates as two parties get to know […]

Success Factors Acquisition of Jobs2Web Legitimizes Social Media in Recruiting

When Recruitment Software Goes Social

My first response to the social media recruitment news the acquisition of Jobs2Web by Success Factors only two days after the acquisition of Success Factors by SAP was “holy shit.” While the news of power purchase by SAP might be boring to some, I find the manner in strategy in which they broke the news to be interesting none […]

The “Scary HR” Carnival of HR

The Carnival of HR freak show

Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays of the year.  But for human resources and recruiting, the Halloween holiday can be filled with challenges like skanky scantily clad employees in costume, sick employees who consumed far too many jello shots and candy corns, and corralling those out of control managers who seem to be […]

Two Votes For Social Media Training at Work From Google & the Bloggess

Social Media Training at Work

I am a firm believer in providing social media training for new hires and employees within organizations.  Companies spend millions billions of dollars with union avoidance training, employee diversity, awareness training, and sexual harassment videos, presentations, and consent forms.  We (organizations and HR folks) don’t expect employees to figure it out so we provide them […]

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

In Life, Do not do Things Just Because you Can

Last weekend I attended my first Red River Rivalry football game in Dallas, TX, with my husband, Greg who is a raving, professional Sooner fan.  The game between the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas is hosted each year on a neutral field called the Cotton Bowl, home of the Texas State Fair. […]