New Manager Training: Coaching & Difficult Conversations

A study by reports that a whopping 58 percent of managers said they didn’t receive any management training after being promoted. For companies, this can lead to a high turnover on teams whose managers feel unprepared to lead them, low retention rates for new managers who are susceptible to burnout, and a loss in […]

Making the Effort to Attract What You Need

making the effort to attract what you need

Making the Effort to Attract What You Need We have kids graduating from school, looking for work, looking for love – something great! My wife comments that the stories she hears sound the same, should they be job search or dating oriented. I get it – they have similarities. It’s probably why eHarmony developed Elevated […]

11 Podcasts to Make You a Recruitment Marketing Pro

11 podcasts to make you a recruitment marketing pro

Between work, family and crazy side gigs, I’ve given up on the idea of finding time to read. Podcasts allow me to do what every working parent does best – multitask. I listen to loads of them and learn while folding the laundry, FTW! Recruitment Marketing is currently the hot industry buzzworthy term. Smashfly is […]

Is Trust a Coincidence?

Is it an amazing coincidence… …the leaders I trusted the most through my career were the exact same leaders who placed their trust in me? …I believed in the leaders who believed in me? …I cared about the leaders who cared about me? …I gave the benefit of the doubt to the leaders who gave […]

June Office Blues

And now the fun begins. No matter where you are in the US, summer is slowly starting. In my region an unseasonably rainy May kept us at bay, the swimming pools not used, basketball courts empty and only the most intrepid runners facing Spring showers. But the sun has returned and the air is full […]