5 Post-Election Steps for Every Business

business, post election, election,

Since the election of Donald Trump, almost a week ago, the country has seen ongoing protests, police crackdowns and a rise in hate crimes. White supremacists, emboldened by what they see as a win for their cause, planned victory parades and left graffiti on public buildings. Anxiety among both undocumented workers and non-citizens here on […]

The Importance Of Empathy In HR

hr, empathy, caring, human resources

There’s a problem brewing in the world of HR, and it has to do with the public perception of our profession. You’ve been around long enough to be familiar with some of these grumblings: HR people always take the company’s side regardless of the matter, we’re too concerned with policies to actually solve real problems, […]

How To: Running Effective One-On-One Meetings

one on one, meetings, employee, productive

So you’ve heard about others doing one-on-ones. Some do a one-hour session every other week with each team member. Counting preparation time, one-on-ones would take up a significant part of your busy schedule. You ponder: Would all the hours be well spent and justified? Running Effective One-On-One Meetings It is true that one-on-ones can be […]

Turns Out, There Is Political Discrimination and Harassment Too

There Is Political Discrimination and Harassment Too Seven or so years ago, I was asked to teach a course for a client regarding discrimination and harassment prevention. They had offices outside of  Alaska so I researched EEO issues in those states in order to update my workbook materials. My research quickly revealed an addition to my list […]

What Healthcare Providers Can Teach us about Business Leadership

Healthcare doesn’t have much to do with business leadership. Or so we think. In reality, many healthcare providers possess the same skills as our most successful business people. After all, hospitals really are just one large industry. Healthcare facilities are responsible for the care of the sick and injured, meaning employees must have great communication […]