Out Now: HR Certification Podcast Episode 11: Reviewing Business Acumen for HRCI & SHRM Exams

How to Prepare for Group Interviews

Group interviews can be extremely intimidating for any candidate. Once you have received your interview confirmation, your mind begins to swirl with questions. What type of group interview am I attending? How do I prepare? What do I wear? Where do I start? Take a deep breath! How to Prepare for Group Interviews A group […]

The Unveiling: Determining the Alphas and Omegas During a Panel Interview

Panel interviews can intimidate the unprepared candidate and be the interview of choice for the prepared candidate.  Individuals must have high attention to details in both verbal and nonverbal communications during the panel interview process.  Think of the panel interview as an opportunity to gain insight on the company culture and team dynamics.  This is […]

How Internships Can Benefit Veterans

Over one million young American men and women are in the process of leaving the military between 2011 and 2016.  They all enlisted for different reasons, but many did so in hopes of getting a college degree after their military service commitment was completed. American college campuses are now adjusting to this influx of unique […]

Your Online Reputation Could Cost Your Dream Job

online, reputation, social media. footprint, dream job

The days of living one’s life in relative anonymity could be said to be over. With the ever presence of Google and other large search engines, the cataloging of employment experiences, social activities, and other personal information is inevitable for most people. Particularly when it comes to looking for a new job, making sure that […]

Employers Wish List of Qualities for Entry Level Hires

The news is chock full of stories about employers bemoaning the experience level and skills of college graduates. Additionally, many companies have downgraded their corporate training budgets and programs for new hires. This has been happening over the past five years.  College students are often caught in this experience gap, unless they have had some […]

5 Secrets to Surviving a Candidate Personality Assessment #thecandidate

candidate, personality, assessment, job, secrets

“So scale of 1 to 10: how much of a sociopath are you?” I had been on the job precisely three days. The question came from one of my new coworkers who was curious about the results of the mandatory personality (uh, “leadership”) assessment that I had to take before I was hired. The results […]