Apply Now: 2021 Top Employee Engagement Companies

As we are all living and working mostly online, I’m getting a number of requests from community members within HR to develop a directory for different types of technologies and services within the HR industry. This list is focused on platforms for employee engagement, which has changed a lot in the past year because so […]

Building Uncommon Trust Through Everyday Action

building uncommon trust through everyday action

Creating a high performance work place is a complex endeavor. As leaders, we painstakingly work to move our organizations toward lofty goals. We focus and continue to believe in what we are doing in the face of challenge and adversity, even when immediate results are not visible. Effective leadership requires we take a good look […]

Paid Time Off for Activism, Is a Real Thing

For many years, employee engagement has been a hot topic. It is, by definition, the level of commitment that staff members have to the organization’s mission and values, to their work, and to the success of the business as a whole. Increased productivity is only one of the advantages that organizations that value employee engagement […]

Inspired by Hate

Hatefulness Unprofessionalism Those are hardly inspirational words, but they inspired this post. Recently, I concluded a workplace investigation that despite all the discriminatory allegations, counter claims, and retaliation complaints thrown around, what it boiled down to was there was a lot of hatefulness (feelings) and oodles of unprofessionalism (behavior). Hatefulness and unprofessionalism. They have no […]

June Office Blues

And now the fun begins. No matter where you are in the US, summer is slowly starting. In my region an unseasonably rainy May kept us at bay, the swimming pools not used, basketball courts empty and only the most intrepid runners facing Spring showers. But the sun has returned and the air is full […]

I’m Sorry HR But Like Public Enemy Said: “Can’t Trust It”

It was a typical day. I was driving along listening to the Backspin channel. Reminiscing, rapping, and relishing a time when rap music had meaning.  “Can’t Truss It”, by Public Enemy came on, so naturally, I felt it necessary to match the energy of Chuck D and Flava Flav and rap along.   As is the […]