Session Resources: Creative Strategies for the Digital Recruiting Age #shrmtalent

creative strategies, digital recruiting, sourcing, recruiting

I’m presenting twice this week at the SHRM Talent Conference Digitizing Talent: Creative Strategies for Recruiting in the Digital Age. My first talk is an 18 minute Smart Stage session where I cover some best practices in digital recruiting and trends. In the longer concurrent session, I will be discussing a number of case studies from companies […]

Ep 112 – Military and Veteran Recruiting Success

military recruiting, veteran hiring, military hiring, veteran recruiting, ofccp veterans, hiring benchmarks

Having a diverse workforce is good business. A McKensey 2015 diversity report  found that ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform industry medians. The question is how do companies hire, retain and do outreach to diverse candidate communities, specifically veterans and military? Episode 112: How to Create a Successful Military and Veteran Hiring Program with […]

Employees Crowdsource the New Boss?

crowdsource, leadership

Interacting well with employees is certainly an important leadership competency. What if you selected company leaders based on their ability to interact with peers rather than their resume? A company named Tinypulse, led by David Niu, has used crowdsourcing to select leaders and they think that it is more effective than traditional methods. Employees Crowdsource […]