Can Tech Increase Workplace Diversity?

#wocintechchat, workforce diversity, diversity

Blind recruiting is a trending topic in HR. Part of the buzz is being generated by new software technologies that promise to remove gender and ethnic bias from the hiring process. Products range from software that crafts gender-free vacancy announcements to platforms that facilitate blind job auditions. All claim to be the key to merit-based […]

Overcoming Everyday Leadership Challenges

leadership, management, #wocintech chat

Overcoming Everyday Leadership Challenges There are many challenges that all managers face. Whilst these challenges can arise at any point in a manager’s career, they can be particularly prevalent for newer or first-time managers. We’ve compiled a handy list of these challenges with tips on how to combat them, become the best manager possible, and […]

Diversity and Inclusion – Time For HR To Step Up Its Game

With all the emphasis on fake news recently, it is good to see that when someone posts something that doesn’t sound quite right, someone else does the research and adds information to the post. I ran into this last week when someone posted something from 2013 regarding Barilla pasta, and it was quickly researched and […]