Embracing Workforce Fluidity In 2017

work fluidity, workplace fluidity, creating company culture, company culture, creative work culture, culture at work

Embracing Workforce Fluidity In 2017 Change is hard and can make us uncomfortable. That may be why 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail in the first week alone. But, change is upon us and it is here to stay. Every year, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) adds hundreds of new words. This year, they added the […]

Get Hired Faster With a Job Search Log

job search, job search organization, job search log, job search organized,

Looking for a job can feel like screaming into a windstorm while getting pelted by debris. You’re sending out applications and not hearing back. When you do hear back, it’s “good, but not good enough.” Meanwhile, people around you are getting lucrative new gigs or finally finding their dream jobs. It’s not that you’re literally […]