How Will Donald Trump Change US Immigration Policy?

donald trump, policy, immigration

Donald Trump’s victory in last week’s Presidential election is signal that there will be some upcoming to the U.S. immigration system that could greatly impact U.S. businesses, Human Resources professionals, and the economy as a whole. While no concrete policies have been set, yet, his campaign record on immigration should give employers pause for concern. […]

SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP Have Been Accredited: What This Means For Us

shrm certification, accredidation, hr

One of the next major steps in the evolution of the SHRM Certification process has been completed. As of Tuesday, November 15, SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams have been accredited by The Buros Center for Testing, a pronouncement that the HR credentials meet the highest standards in testing.   SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP Have Been Accredited In a statement released Tuesday, […]