3 Ways to Waste Time at Work On Halloween

“But Megan, this is an HR blog. Shouldn’t you be giving me 5 ways to keep my distracted employees on track on Halloween?” Ughhhhhhhh, don’t be boring. It may be Monday but it’s also the high holiday of fun people everywhere. If you’re spending precious work time reading this article, you can’t blame your colleagues or […]

The e-NV200 WORKSPACe Could Put the “Mobile” In Your Office

This is a bit different from my usual future-oriented posts, but today I want to talk about a different kind of telecommuting, a version that seemed unique and recently caught my eye. The idea is this: what if your telecommuters commute with their office? An All-ElectricTraveling Office As reported in The Economic Times, “Japanese automobile manufacturer Nissan has […]