Who Are the 5 Generations At Work? #fivegenwork

generations, hr, workplace, carnival

Last week I launched a new podcast series and Twitter hashtag, #fivegenwork where I dive into the discussion surrounding the reality that we now work in offices, companies and organizations that employer 5 different generations. A few weeks ago I was at dinner with a group of professionals who I had just spent the day […]

Be Humble. Be Kind. Especially in the Job Search

Last week while in the midst of 5 o’clock traffic, making my way to the grocery store for a single red onion, thinking about the day’s trials and tribulations, a song started to float through the radio waves that immediately struck a cord. Being a Tennessee resident this song was naturally of the country music […]

7 Ways To Overcome Change Fatigue

Everyone knows change is hard. However, we also recognize that is a necessary part of the work we do. We cannot grow or develop if we do not change. Prolonged periods of change can bring fatigue. Change fatigue is the impact of organizations enduring one significant change after another without relent. It is another form of burnout. […]