How To Establish a Mentally Healthy Corporate Culture

May is Mental Health Month.  How healthy is your workplace?  Is the corporate culture free of the stigma long associated with mental illness?  Are employees educated about the importance of their mental health and knowledgeable about treatment resources available to them? I’ve worked in several industries and for companies large and small.  And I’ve found […]

No, Millennials Are Not the Future of Workplace Leadership

I have written several times about the future of leadership, here and here in particular. It is no secret that the future of leadership is dire. Companies are experiencing difficult times in finding people that have the skills to become leaders and then they are doing a poor job of providing any training for leadership […]

Recruiting on Facebook Is This Easy

As LinkedIn introduce yet another round of changes that reduces its usefulness for hiring is it time to include the 1.44 billion people using Facebook in your search? Facebook has: 936 million daily active users 798 million mobile daily active users LinkedIn has just 366 million users! Sure they spoon feed you information but what if your perfect […]