3 Keys to Being More Authentic With Your Personal Brand

Scan the headlines in any social news feed and you’ll notice a trend. Every other headline reads as if the same person wrote it. If you read a lot of them at once and pay attention you’ll begin to suspect that most bloggers are obsessed with writing lists of things for other people to do. […]

Ep 23 – How Downtime Drives Passion with Ryan Estis

Episode 23 – How Personal Time Off & Downtime Drives Passion with Ryan Estis (@ryanestis) I am a believer that we, as employees and citizens of the world, want to bring our best self to work. We want to be productive, happy and fulfilled in our careers and jobs just like we do in our […]

How To Become An Influencer On Twitter

It was super cool to be named and to see so many of Blogging4Job’s authors named in Moodvise’s list of The 100 Most Influential People in HR and Recruiting on Twitter. The list is special because Moodvise put some science into it by combining Klout scores, which are too reliant on follower numbers, with Moz’s […]

My Kids Won’t Dust

I was dusting the other day…I hate dusting…and all the while, I was thinking to myself, “I have two children…why aren’t THEY dusting?” I pondered that as I dusted off bookcases, dusted in between the rails on the chairs, tables and beds, and wiped down nearly all of the picture frames. My Kids Won’t Dust […]