The Internet of Things and Employee Management

A term we hear more and more about every day is the “Internet of Things.” We here that our homes and offices will be controlled by the IoT, with our refrigerators contacting you and letting you know you are low on milk; your car, which will be driverless will communicate with other cars and road […]

Being Active on Twitter without Always Being on Twitter

Level Up Your Twitter Participation When recruiters have requisitions to fill, career events to coordinate, and meetings to attend, it’s unrealistic to think they can just sit and tweet, all day. While it may not be a “best practice,” automating some content is a big time saver. It will also help you embed social-sharing into […]

Conquering Self-Doubt at Work for Yourself & Employees

Whether it’s feedback from a manager, comments on a blog post or that internal critic in our heads, it is hard not to feel judged throughout our careers. This can lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence in our own skills. In my experience both in the corporate environment and now as a business […]