Dealing With Workplace Betrayal, Part 3 (Gossip)

workplace, betrayal, trust

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE THE CENTER OF GOSSIP For many years, I kept a tattered post-it taped to the edge of my computer monitor with one word written on it:  GOSSIP.  It lingered in my line of sight every working moment to remind me that no matter how much fun it is to […]

Corporate Culture 101

People often ask me what makes a good culture.  For some, it may be beer in the company fridge, for others it may be having a lot of processes in place for everyday activities.  Everyone has different components that they like to see in a culture.  One company’s idea of a fun celebration may be […]

Keeping Up with the Evolution of Technology in the Workplace #IHRIM2014

This week I have been attending the International Association for Human Resource Management (IHRIM) conference on HR management system strategies. I gravitate toward seminars on employment law, leaves of absence and employee relations, and I must confess that I do not have much experience attending seminars and conferences on HR technology; therefore, I jumped at […]