5 Secrets to Surviving a Candidate Personality Assessment #thecandidate

candidate, personality, assessment, job, secrets

“So scale of 1 to 10: how much of a sociopath are you?” I had been on the job precisely three days. The question came from one of my new coworkers who was curious about the results of the mandatory personality (uh, “leadership”) assessment that I had to take before I was hired. The results […]

The Two Most Important Criteria for Getting Hired #thecandidate

It’s Candidate Experience week on Blogging4Jobs powered by the cool folks at Talent Circles. Check back this week to follow 25+ blogs published on Candidate Experience and follow the conversation on twitter at #thecandidate.  You’ve just received the phone call.  The interview is set for next week.  Awesome!  Now the only question is – How are […]

Candidate Experience: The Heart of Effective Best Practices in Talent Acquisition #thecandidate

It’s Candidate Experience week on Blogging4Jobs powered by the cool folks at Talent Circles. Check back this week to follow 25+ blogs published on Candidate Experience and follow the conversation on twitter at #thecandidate.  “For many are invited, but few are chosen…” Talent Acquisition departments live through something similar to the Parable of the Wedding Feast. […]