Why HR Should Bet on Technology [INFOGRAPHIC]

Too often, hiring can feel like a roll of the dice. You hope your company is hiring the best talent for your open positions, but finding these people is far from easy. While your gamble might sometimes pay off, just as often lady luck will leave your company with a bad hire. So what should […]

The Question I Wish Interviewees Would Stop Asking

The Question I Wish Interviewees Would Stop Asking I had an uncomfortable thing happen to me during an interview. Towards the end of the interview, I said to the interviewee, “What questions can I answer for you?” Questions about the company, team structure, specific projects, my favorite thing about the company– those are all things […]

With the Government Shut Down, It’s Employers Gone Wild

Employers, today is officially your get out of jail free. List of US Agencies Impacting Employers During Government Shut Down With this being the first day of the United States government shut down due to budget cuts, the governing agencies for many of our workplace laws are closed, not open and therefore unable to take […]

Should You Look for a Salary or Hourly Job?

For many people, moving from hourly pay to salary feels like a step up. Even if you are doing the exact same job for what ends up being the exact same take-home pay at the end of the week, being salaried can feel like a promotion. But is it? Is it really? Should You Look […]