How To Hire for Potential (…when the skills are not there)

Recruiting for Potential

How do you recruit / hire for potential when the skills are not there? Or, when you are willing to train someone later if they can manage to impress you during an interview. Well, I have a few suggestions. Check them all out below. And, let me know your thoughts? -Jim Hiring For Potential   […]

How Corporate Recruiters Get Made, Paid & Bonus in the Industry

Exploring Bonus Structures for Corporate Recruiters

*This post has been updated as of January 2017 and provides insights and trends into recent recruiting compensation and bonus trends.  This blog affords me the opportunity to share my insights, experiences and lessons having worked in HR and recruiting. The value I really get is through helping others and serving as a platform for […]

Understanding the Social Media Hierarchy in Recruitment & Hiring

Understanding the Evolution of Recruiting Strategies

Social media, in my opinion, is the most misunderstood, popular tool, and candidate resource used by recruiters to date. Social media provides recruiters and hiring managers the opportunity to access an active candidate’s news, information and resources about themselves in real time. These potential job seekers may not be active in the sense of actively seeking […]