Your Staff Can Become an HR Referral Source

Maximizing Employee Referrals

The power of an employee referral is well known in the recruiting industry. A recent poll of business showed that 41.4% of businesses referrals account for 80% of sales. From a business perspective that is an overwhelming number in terms of dollars earned from word of mouth marketing. Through the eyes of an HR professional, […]

4 Advantages of Temporary Workers

The Benefits of Hiring Temporary Workers

Forty percent of employers plan to hire temporary and contract workers, compared to 36 percent last year, according to AOL Jobs. In addition, the flexible job market is also one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy, which means job seekers can expect more opportunities in the near future. 4 Advantages of Temporary Workers  […]

Your First LinkedIn Connections

Maximizing Your Professional Network on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Connections Congratulations- you are on LinkedIn! Growing your connections is fun and interesting. It will definitely help you to network more effectively. It will open your eyes to a lot of interesting people doing different things all around the world. Before you start connecting, make sure your profile is in tip top shape. It […]