Wanted: Collaboration Expert

Wanted: Collaboration Expert NPR had a piece on Yahoo’s recent “death of telecommuting”.  If you haven’t heard, the tech-giant has recently rid it’s entire company of “working from home” and is forcing its workforce back into the office. Yahoo stipulates that good ideas can turn into profitable business strategies when their employee base interacts.  And not just “in […]

16 Handy Twitter Recruiting & Hiring Hacks [Infographic]

sourcing, twitter, social media, recruiters

Recruiting, Sourcing & Hiring with Twitter A couple weeks ago, I outlined 5 new ways to search and recruit on Twitter sharing some of their recent changes to their platform because Twitter is offering some new short cuts to their platform when it involves search and sourcing for a potential employee. Keep in mind that […]

Resume Myth Series #3: Functional Resumes Rule

For the third installment of our series on resume myths, we going to dispel this lingering rumor that functional resumes are a viable approach for the average job seeker. Now don’t get me wrong, functional resumes do have their place, and they are appropriate on occasion. However, most job seekers that use the functional resume […]