Make it a Happy Holiday for Service Workers Too

make it a happy holiday for service workers too

Peak shopping season in America starts in November and ends in January. For most of us, this means a series of increasingly stressful holiday dinners, parties, and if you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, gift shopping. All this while we wrap up year-end work and worry about our wallets. For service workers, peak shopping season is a […]

The Ultimate Gift Idea List

The Ultimate Gift Idea List   We’re surrounded by gift guides and wish lists. Every retailer, blogger or website recommends what they think will make your friends, family or colleagues happy. I won’t lie. I love those lists. Some of them include pretty sweet stuff that no doubt people in your life would be psyched […]

Dear Everyone: Take Your Mask Off at Work

Halloween is upon us! It’s an exciting time of year for so many people where they get to be whomever or whatever they want. Instead of being our usual selves, we can choose to be superheroes, villains or rock stars. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all able to be what we wanted, or […]

How to Work with Amazing People

How to Work with Amazing People I know. You read the title of this post and are wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Working with amazing people should be a breeze and not something anyone needs guidance on. Au contraire. Working with an A team is wonderful but it’s certainly not always a perfect […]

Your Work From Home Strategy Needs to Be Individual

For many years now I’ve split my time between freelancing from home and working in an office. Now though, almost all of my working life takes place in at home. Thank goodness I reserved a room to be a home office — five months into almost full time freelancing and I would have been a […]

Parental Work Perks That Don’t Work

It was hot news earlier this year that more and more companies are providing egg-freezing services for their employees and increasingly, millennial women are carefully planning the parenthood phase of their lives by taking these companies up on these services. It’s also hot news whenever a tech giant or unicorn offers breast milk delivery or […]