Inspiration to Action: 3 Steps to Implementing Your #SHRM17 Ideas

3 steps to implementing your shrm17 ideas

The SHRM Annual Conference (#SHRM17) ended last week, but the hard work of translating your inspiration and ideas into action is just beginning. All too often we are tempted to take on many initiatives at once. We find ourselves, rightly so, by the sessions we attended and the people we met at conferences like #SHRM17 […]

Why HR Says No to Freelancers

why hr says no to freelancers

Software development companies are tightly connected with new ideas and forms of work. They invent new approaches to make their employees feel comfortable, happy and motivated. I would even say that IT business gave an immense boost to the gig economy and freelancing – nowadays it’s far easier to work from home, particularly for programmers. Your tools […]