Diving into Job Applications

job seekers, job applications, hiring, success

Job applications are arguably the most challenging and frustrating thing that many of us have to deal with in our professional careers. Without the right formula we may send out hundreds of applications without more than a couple responses. As the number of applications sent out pile up, our efforts can feel increasingly arbitrary. Diving […]

4 States Voted to Raise Their Minimum Wage

In addition to the Presidential, Congressional and Senate races, last night a number of ballot initiatives, from criminal justice, to medical marijuana to workplace regulations, were put to the voters. 4 states voted to raise their minimum wage. Washington, Arizona, Main and Colorado all voted to increase their minimum wages with wide margins. A ballot […]

Are You Dedicated to Your Work Flex Policy?

I was inspired by a TLNT wrap-up written by John Hollon discussing the demographics of people participating in flex work and questioning why there is a lack of women teleworking. For more on what he said- read here. Are You Dedicated to Your Work Flex Policy? As someone who considers herself fortunate to work flexibly, I can […]