Ep 79 – How Recruiters Can WOW Candidates at College Career Fairs

candidates, career, job, fairs, workology

Even though we are living in a digital world, career and job fairs remain an effective way for talent acquisition and recruiting leaders to engage candidates. A 2015 survey by Nicole Dessain, the co-author of Handbook of Human Resources Management found that 84% of respondents participated in university career fairs. Episode 79: How To Wow […]

6 Tips for Creating Great Employer Branding Content

employee brand, content, brand, marketing

A few weeks ago, I received an unassuming white box in the mail. Upon opening it, I discovered a plastic fortune cookie which inside read: We predict you have a content problem. How many of you feel or have felt there’s a problem with your employer branding content—albeit quality, quantity, frequency, or ROI? Please know […]

Are You “D.E.P.P.” Certified?

Have you earned your DEPP™? I have read enough LinkedIn profiles and resumes to realize that adjectives have taken over. There is an adjective-based claim that many people are making that I believe needs some sort of certification. It seems there are growing numbers of DEPPs in every profession. Dedicated, Engaged, Passionate Professional. All I need […]