Who Gives HR a Bad Name?

Who Gives HR a Bad Name? Allow me to share a scenario I run into regularly. “I work in HR.” Hold for sad awkward pause as the person you’re speaking with judges you. “It’s not like that. It’s much cooler than you think.” Silence. “I’m not Toby. I swear.” Am I alone in this? Has […]

Spring Cleaning Tips For Your New Job & Career

The robins are back, daffodils in bloom, and those tiny soldier ants are beginning to lay siege on the kitchen. Spring has officially sprung (at least in my part of the US, my condolences to the North.) With winds changing we will often start filling our evenings and weekends with household and yard projects. There […]

Heather Kinzie’s “Leadership and Letting Go”

I used to “journal.” Doesn’t that sound distinguished and all grown up? Just writing it should make me feel a bit better about my maturity and intelligence but alas, there is that darned “used to” in front of it. It was past tense, way back when. Obviously, I don’t do it anymore, but maybe I should. This morning, I […]