Employee Retention: Pour Some Sugar On Me!

Join us on 1/22 for our free webinar, 7 Best Practices to Attracting and Retaining Employees in 2015.  The ability to attract and retain great talent is the determining factor between the organizations that are thriving in the 21st century and the ones that are closing their doors.  The CAP study reported that employee turnover […]

Employee Engagement Requires Progressive Language

People from different cultures and eras clash in the workplace as they aspire to meet objectives that shift under their feet due to runaway innovation and morphing benchmarks of value and success. Employee Engagement Requires Progressive Language   Within this chaos, engagement falters with unmet expectations and communication failures that are due in large part […]

Is This The Biggest LinkedIn Search Change Ever Made?

In an announcement, LinkedIn have revealed that they’re changing LinkedIn search and increasing the visibility of your extended network. Hurrah, no more part-hidden 3rd level connections! When the change to LinkedIn search is rolled out you’ll see their full names, which will save a lot of time. For the average user, this announcement is music to our ears. […]

You’ve Risen To Your Highest Level of Incompetence

In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. -Laurence J. Peter – The Peter Principle You’ve done it! You’ve made it to the show. You’ve been recognized for your genius and dedication. Your performance has been stellar. You’ve been promoted! Good for you.  Now get to work…your life just got […]