Do You Pay Attention to Local Demographics When Working in HR?

I know most of us pay cursory attention to demographics, at least the one for the US population, or if you are out of the US you probably pay attention to your country, but what about more locally? Do you have any idea of the demographics of the local area from which you may draw […]

The Top Five Signs you Need an HR Person

resume, interview, job applicant, stand out

Hiring a full-time HR person for the first time is a big step for a small business. Is it worth the expense? Will there be enough work to keep the HR person busy? Often HR responsibilities are included as part of the owner or office manager’s job. This may work well when a company is […]

3 Tips for Prioritizing Your 2015 Employment Branding Initiatives

We each get 24 hours in the day and I think that most of us would agree that all of them should not be spent working. Assuming that most full-time, U.S. employees work approximately 2,000 hours per year … how do you take the time you’re given and make the most of it? Specifically, when […]