Out Now: HR Podcast Episode 11: Reviewing Business Acumen for HRCI & SHRM Exams

The Future of HR Is What HR Is Not

My friend Paul Hebert gives me a good-natured ribbing about the fact that I write about the “future” and give presentations on it too. He will ask me about my crystal ball and what it is telling me today. I know he is joking with me, but many people do look at futurists as seers, […]

Want to Hire a Social Media Manager? Don’t Hire An “Expert"

Do you know a good social media expert with 10+ years experience? Me neither, and that’s because social media as a legitimate business tool has only been around for about 3-5 years or so. Businesses that look to hire so-called “gurus” or “experts” in this space are mistaken on two fronts: 1. Social media shouldn’t be […]

The Changing Face of the Modern Recruiter

Early in my career as a recruiter, I used to take a lot of pride in being able to find people with “hard to find” skill sets. When I started recruiting in the late 90s I had the benefit of being trained in the art by some great people. I also had an advantage because […]

Why Is Employee Performance Documentation Important

Documenting the progression of our employees’ training, performance and development is critical for managers because documentation provides independent and objective evidence of what happened or what didn’t happen. Employee Performance Documentation Somewhere along the way, however,  documentation has become the way managers “built a case” against employees to prove cause to demote or terminate for […]

Why is Performance Documentation Important?

Managers must track the training, performance, and growth of their staff members since this information can be used as independent, unbiased proof of what did or did not occur. Why is Performance Documentation Important? Somewhere along the way, howver,  documentation has become the way managers “built a case” against employees to prove cause to demote […]

How to Improve Your Company’s Employee Assistance Program

I, like so many others, was surprised, shocked, and sadden at the recent news about Robin Williams’ passing. I was in a meeting when the breaking news alert went off on my phone and without even thinking I exclaimed, “Robin Williams has died!” … and the meeting went silent as others opened their phones too […]