Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Five Jobs for the Technologically Unemployed (Part 2)

Last week I not only defined technologically unemployed and gave you five jobs that are obtainable by this specific class of people. As promised I have come back with the last set of jobs. Just as a refresher these are jobs that will be created by technology that will end up helping people who have found […]

By 2020 Millennials Will Represent 40% of the Workforce. Are You Ready?

Industry experts predict that more than 86 million millennials will be in the workplace by 2020—representing a full 40% of the total working population. Is your workplace a talent magnet for Millennials? The best workplaces find ways to integrate their organization’s culture and mission. Unfortunately, most corporate offices appear and function much like they did […]

OMG! Not Another Sucky Job Postings

While Zappos recently announced the company is doing away with job postings, most companies are still writing them. And, writing them rather poorly.  Sucky job postings amaze me, considering they are often the first thing that job seekers read about an organization, and we spend so much money advertising them. If your recruiters are terrible […]