The Importance of Mental Models in Your HR Future

When looking ahead and trying to anticipate as an HR futurist there are a number of steps that must be considered. It is important to understand your own organization and in order to understand your organization you must have an awareness of the mental models that rule the thinking. Mental models Peter Senge, in his […]

Sowing the Seeds: Planting Kindness in the Workplace

Do you have anyone at your current employment that no matter how bad a day you are having; you know you can count on them to lighten your load?  The unconditional kindness they shower upon others like seeds of wildflowers.  Over the past couple years; I have been honored to work with one of these […]

Pearl Harbor Tweets: Brands Need to Be More Aware, Sensitive

As I trolled through my Twitter feed, I noticed the same tweet from two handles, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” It’s a quote that many of us love from Dr. Seuss. One account had more than 42,000 followers, the other more than 11,000. What’s the point, you ask? Well, it happened […]

The Power of Words

The Power of Words I just wanted to share one of my favorite holiday workplace memories. Thank you in advance for watching! [youtube video=”khfHfZa_HeA” width=”700″ height=”420″]